28 009 XE
1976 Virgin Records
With 12 page booklet
With white sticker
English pressing; german catalog number on white sticker
28 009 XE
1976 Virgin Records
With 12 page booklet
English pressing; german catalog number on white sticker
28 009 XE
? Virgin Records
With 12 page booklet
With white sticker
English pressing; german catalog number on white sticker
28 009 XE
? Virgin Records
With 12 page booklet
With white sticker
English pressing; german catalog number on white sticker
28 009 445
? Virgin Records
With 12 page booklet
With white sticker
English pressing; german catalog number on white sticker, different matrix-nr.
28 009 XE
? Virgin Records
With 12 page booklet
With white sticker
English pressing; german catalog number on white sticker; different matrix-nr.
28 009-XGU
? Virgin Records
With 12 pages booklet
With white sticker
English pressing; german catalog number on white sticker; different matrix-nr.
28 009-445
With 12 pake booklet
? Virgin Records / Ariola Group Of Companies
28 009-440
With 12 page booklet
1983 Virgin Records / Ariola Group Of Companies
28 009-440
With 12-page booklet
1987 Virgin Records / Ariola Group Of Companies
300 139-420
? Virgin Records / Ariola-Eurodisc
Only Gema on label
Virgin/Ariola label
300 139-420
1978 Virgin / Ariola-Eurodisc
Only Stemra on label
Virgin/Ariola label
With sticker and poster
300 139-420
? Virgin Records / Ariola-Eurodisc
Only Stemra on label
Virgin/Ariola label
300 193-420
? Virgin Records / Ariola
Gema/Stemra/Biem on label
Virgin label
300 578-420
? Virgin Records / Ariola-Eurodisc
300 578-420
1984 Virgin Records / Ariola-Eurodisc
30 239 8
? Virgin Records / Arioa-Eurodisc / Europäische Bildungsgemeinschaft
30 239 8
? Virgin Records / Ariola-Eurodisc / Europäische Bildungsgemeinschaft
Second edition; different labels and matrix-nr.